Crochet Crazy - the blog

Here are the crochet ravings of me, the projects I do, and items related to the site. I apologise Im not a great blogger, I have good intentions but get easily side tracked, especially by my crochet hook.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Day 23?

Not as much progress as I'd have liked, but still, getting there.. Slowly.


Sunday, 26 April 2009

Day 22!

I think I did quite well yesterday, despite spending time doing the lawn and some washing, and so on..


Saturday, 25 April 2009

Day 21!

So, what happened this week? Well anyone whos followed facebook will know I had a bit of a roller coaster week.. So, I didnt get a chance to crochet again till friday!

Heres the state of play (plus a couple of lines from this morning while someone lay sleeping and I couldnt use the bed to take the photo)


Monday, 20 April 2009

End of day 16!

So, sunday came and went with a bit of a non event, the F1 race wasnt exactly the most exceiting race of the year, and I got up early to watch it, which was when I took the photos for yesterday. However, you'd think Id have done a lot of crochet yesterday, I did a fair bit, but it doesnt look like it looking back - sigh.

Im heading for half way.. now.. Im about 114 rows in and have about 178 to go..


Sunday, 19 April 2009

End of day 15 (I think)

So, a bit done today, had a night out with fellow karate instructors, so, didnt do any saturday evening.


Saturday, 18 April 2009

End of Day 12!

Time is ticking, worryingly fast in fact. However, end of day 12, saw some progression, but not much.. I have less than a month to finish this!! Eeeeep!!


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

End of Day 10

So, bank holiday monday came to an end, sooner than expected - dont they always?
Anyway, heres how the blanket looked at the end of monday (yes, Im aware todays wednesday and I didnt do any yesterday, bad me!!!)


Monday, 13 April 2009

End of Day 9

So, Sunday being grading day took out most of the afternoon, and I confess, by the time I got home, ate, had a nice hot bath, watched dr who from the day before, and then red dwarf.. I didnt really get back into the swing of things, so not a huge amount of progress :(


Sunday, 12 April 2009

End of day 8

Went out last night to a birthday party, so, progress not as much as it could have been, just like today will be slower than it could be as Im off to help with karate grading for the afternoon.


Saturday, 11 April 2009

End of day 7!

So, observant people will note, I didnt succeed in doing any crochet thursday - it was someones birthday though - so thats my excuse. Was spending time with them.

Day 7, was good friday, so, I got some done, not as much as I'd have liked, but, at least some!


End of Day 7..

So, Day 6 passed without crochet.. (Sorry), day 7 however saw some growth.. Well, it was good friday!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Vicki's birthday pressie

So, a special friend of mine was 14 today. I had a cushion I covered for her, in her fave colour (pink) and I hope she loves it. I think it was about a 16" cushion - dont recall measuring it (oops).. Heres a pic of front and back!


End of day 5!

Day 5 saw the completion of the bottom of the second leg, and the start of some tail! hopefully it looks a little less like a football shirt now, and more like something is growing :)


Wednesday, 8 April 2009

End of day 4

So, didnt get much done day 4


Monday, 6 April 2009

End of day 3

Much as I took this today, I promise not a stitch done yet.

Currently measures: 16" in height


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Beginning of day 3..

I didnt get a chance to take the photo last night as someone was in the bed.. sigh.. so

Heres how it stands about 2 hours after I got up this morning. (its just over 11" in height)


Beginning of day 3..

I didnt get a chance to take the photo last night as someone was in the bed.. sigh.. so

Heres how it stands about 2 hours after I got up this morning.

Friday, 3 April 2009

A new beginning

Timbos blanket..
Hmm, its turning out bigger than I planned! oops but its not to bad, its gonna be great.

Overall view:

This is the bottom of the hoof:
