Crochet Crazy - the blog

Here are the crochet ravings of me, the projects I do, and items related to the site. I apologise Im not a great blogger, I have good intentions but get easily side tracked, especially by my crochet hook.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Davids Blanket

So, Ive been quiet, actually I've made a blanket, I was just keeping pictures of it quiet as I dont want to show it in case the person whos presant it is sees it - would spoil the fun.

So, Ive started another new blanket now, and this one is for a friend called David. Who likes penguins, so, Im going to be making a "tux" penguin. Tux actually the linux penguin, but hes cute, and hes a penguin and he was easy to convert into a crochet pattern and it should look rather nice.

So, here it is after a day!

Not bad for a day huh ? in case you are confused, that would be his feet and bum.



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